About Us
Christy Rebehn grew up on Long Island riding horses and has had Jack Russell Terriers since the 90s. Christy and her husband Mark relocated to Pennsylvania in 2006 with their horse, Cooper, and Jack Russell, Pebbles. In 2011 Christy obtained her first AKC Russell Terrier shortly after Russell Terriers were recognized by the AKC and became a part of the Terrier group. From there a passion has grown to breed loving and correct companions that can excel in Conformation, Performance, Barn Hunt or Couch Surfing. We are proud to raise our dogs in our home and that they can easily transition to your home as a beloved member of the family.
An active Conformation exhibitor, Christy has finished several AKC Champions and Grand Champions and is an AKC Breeder of Merit.
CH Hunter's Moon Whole Lotta Money
(CH Hunter's Moon Big Chex To Cash x Hunter's Moon Kiss My Grits)
Lotta started limited showing in the fall of 2022. She has done well as a puppy and has almost finished with her AKC Grand Championship. She is a third generation here and we are very pleased with how she is maturing.

CH Hunt's Valley Sympathy For the Devil
(GCHS Hunter's Moon Laugh With The Sinners x GCH OMV Leaving Present)
Panda finished her AKC Championship and is well on her way to her GCH. She won a huge Reserve Winners bitch owner handles by me at the prestigious Devon Dog Show.
Bred by Ralph Cardinale and Dr. Chuck Brooks
​Co-owned with Christy Rebehn
CH Foxhunter's Paper Chase
(GCHG Goldsand's Columbus x CH Foxfield Raindrops On Roses)
Chase finished his AKC Championship. He is starting on his AKC Grand Championship and will do some Owner Handler.
Benjamin finished his AKC Championship in May 2021. This guy has great temperament, bone and substance along with a great rear and head. We can't wait to see what he produces.
CH Hunter's Moon Big Chex To Cash
(Pegase Russtyle's Du Vallon Del'Alba x CH Foxfield Raindrops On Roses)
Sissy has started her show career at 7 months; already earning a major from the Bred By class in May 2021.
Hunter's Moon Kid Sister
(Pegase Russtyle's Du Vallon Del'Alba x GCH Hunter's Moon Gem Twist
Hunter's Moon BeeHive Yourself
​(CH Granlasco Belamax A Beautiful Bad Boy x Be Ahead of All Grand Floreal)
JellyBee, who is co-owned and lives with Kim Baughman, will be hitting the conformation rings in the fall. Until then she leads a very active life and loves swimming, fetch, and is incredibly bright.
Theo, who is bred by Federico Giovannetti, just arrived in the USA from Italy in June 2021.
Welcome to
Jonu's JR 5 O'Clock Tea
(Obiwan Z Hradu Pihlov x Jonu's JR Gossip Girl
(Just Dance With Me Eleerre x Cruella De Vil Eleerre)
In October 2019 we welcome our new addition from Argentina, Polo, who is bred by Laura Rosental & co-owned and lives with Jessica Rotondo
Polo started off showing in October 2019 and was Best of Winners for a Major at his first show from the Bred By Class at Hatboro. He then went on to win Best of Winners at Montgomery County Kennel Club with his breeder. He also was Select Dog at the AKC National with Jessica handling. Polo finished his AKC Championship very quickly and finished his Grand handled by Jessica.
AKC CH Winon Washington Eleerre
(Lovely-Orange Made In Italy For All Jacks x Granlasco A Beautiful Mind)
We welcome our new addition from Italy, Bad Boy, who is bred by Ferdinando & Annalisa Asnaghi
Bad Boy started off showing in October 2017 and was Best of Winners for a Major at his first show from the Puppy Class. He then went on to win Best of Winners at Hatboro II and Devon Dog Show with his handler Ariel Cukier. He also won Best In Sweeps at Montgomery with Christy handling.
Bad Boy has had a few litters in the past year and we are very please with his puppies as they have excellent conformation and temperament.
AKC CH Granlasco Belamax A Beautiful Bad Boy
GCH Hunter's Moon Just A Smidgeon
CH Edison's Atomic Fireball x GCH Hunter's Moon Gem Twist
"Smidge" Is Bred, Owned & Adored by Christy Rebehn
She started off her young career as a member of the AKC Puppy Pack as the representative of the terrier group and got to travel to many fun events as well as appearing quite often on the AKC's Instagram page and AKC.TV. Smidge was a great ambassador for the breed and made friends everywhere she went. As a show dog she finished her AKC Championship from the Bred-By class with Christy. Smidge then went on to get her Grand Championship with some highlights of breed wins, group placings and an Award of Merit at Hatboro. We thank ASC Professional Handling for always helping Smidge look and show her best.
(CH Edison's Take A Chance On Me x CH Foxfield Sand Castle)
Gem is co-owned with Beth Adams
Gem had a stellar 2017 finishing her AKC CH from Bred By and then finishing her GCH with limited showing. 2018 was off to a promising start with Gem winning Best of Opposite at Westminster!
Gem is currently retired from showing and breeding; living her best life with Beth Adams learning scent work and other activities.
GCH Hunter's Moon Gem Twist
CH Foxfield Raindrops On Roses
(GCH Gold Kanix Dom Domingo x GCH Foxfield Wine & Roses)
Rosie is bred by Christy Rebehn & Sue Sobel and owned by Mark & Christy Rebehn
Rosie finished her AKC Championship in the Spring of 2018.
Rosie will be bred for Summer 2021.
(Tsarodej I Am Your Simon x Evita Key'Win Expromt)
Phoebe is bred by Olga Pogolerova of the Ukraine.
Owned by Christy Rebehn & Sue Sobel
Phoebe produced two beautiful litters with us and is now enjoying her retirement with a lovely family in NE PA.
Be Ahead of All Grand Floreal
Hunter's Moon Kiss My Grits
(CH Granlasco Belamax A Beautiful Bad Boy x Rolling Hills Shrimp N Grits)
Cashew is Bred by Christy Rebehn and is co-owned and lives with the Keding Family in NY.
Cashew has done a couple shows with her owners, plus started some performance training and enjoys all outdoor activities with her family.
(CH Edison's Knick Knack x Edison's Mamma Mia)
Colin is bred by & co-owned with Bonnie Edison
Colin had a great 2016 finishing his AKC Championship. He also finished as the #7 NOHS Russell Terrier and received multiple NOHS and Terrier Group placements with limited showing. Colin is currently retired, living his best life, with his daughter Gem and Beth Adams.
CH Edison's Take A Chance On Me
(GCH Monamour JP Part Time Lover x GCH Rivendell Just Katie Kate)
Emily is Bred by & co-owned with Sue Sobel
Emily easily earned her AKC CH and GCH as well as Group placings. She also has produced some wonderful puppies
(see "Rosie" above).
GCH Foxfield Wine And Roses
(Falling Branch CP On The Mark x Foxfield On The Rocks)
Sandy is Bred & Owned by Christy Rebehn
Sandy is a very light broken coat who did very well in AKC Conformation earning her Championship. We are very pleased with her offspring (see "Gem" above).
CH Foxfield Sand Castle

© 2017 Hunter's Moon Russell Terriers